Are Linkedin Background Photos Worth the Trouble?

With Linkedin allowing background photos for your profile you now have one more way to express yourself creatively on the platform. But Linkedin isn’t Facebook. It’s a professional network and is typically understood to have professionally presented profiles. Having a clean, flat layout with a simple blue and grayscale color scheme has helped keep Linkedin profiles in line with that strategy.

Before background photos the worst offense a user could do visually was insert Homer Simpson as their profile picture. Now we are given the power to screw up a much larger portion of our profile’s real estate.

Is it worth possibly reducing the professional look of your profile just to “express” yourself on one more social channel? Or is it worth the time and effort it will take to produce an image that will still project the professionalism that a plain background already does? The answer to both of these questions is – probably not. I doubt that a connection, employer or recruiter will give a second thought to your profile header not having some sort of graphic behind it. A good head shot as your profile picture will, however, still be expected.

But that doesn’t mean that you absolutely shouldn’t use a background photo. If an image is well thought-out and conveys important information upfront to someone viewing your profile, it could be very worthwhile. Putting in a picture of balloons, sunsets or your dog will probably only serve to distract viewers. However, a picture of you speaking at an event gives the impression that you’re an expert in your field and have experience with public speaking. Likewise, a picture of a map might strengthen the profile of a cartographer or GIS professional.

When someone views your profile, your title and profile picture are usually the first things they see. As we all know, first impressions can make a real impact. If you can influence that first impression positively, then the extra profile eye-candy could be an asset.

I’m still on the fence about whether to put a background photo on my own Linkedin profile page. At this point in time I think Linkedin background photos are a bit of a risk for both Linkedin and its users. While profile customization can make your page look nice, it also runs the risk of making it look like a wannabe Facebook page. That’s not in keeping with the feel of Linkedin. If you do decide to add a background photo, keep it simple and above all, relevant to the rest of your profile.

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