Gardengraphic Information Systems – How Maps and Data Help Gardens Succeed

Spring will soon be upon us and gardeners of all stripes will begin pruning landscapes and planting vegetables. The National Gardening Association reports that gardeners spent nearly $3 billion in 2011 on food gardening alone. With this much money being spent (not to mention the amount of time) to grow produce or create beautiful landscapes, it stands to …

Are Paper Maps Dying?

   With all of the visualization technology we have available, why do we still find itnecessary to print maps? With desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets, it would seem that paper map production should be all but extinct. This does not seem to be the case though.  Technology has broadened our access to maps we previously could …

Add Custom Color Ramps To ArcGIS From The ESRI Mapping Center

**This post references ESRI ArcGIS Desktop 10.0. While the steps listed might work in previous or future versions of ArcMap, it is not guaranteed. There is an updated version of this post here.**   When you have a continuous raster such as a DEM in ArcGIS, you will likely want to adjust its color ramp to better …, Social Networking for the Geospatial Community?

A new GIS centered web site called launched yesterday. According to the site’s mission statement its purpose is simply to promote “geospatial solutions” and provide a multi-use platform to showcasing GIS projects. The site tries to pack a lot into its pages. It attempts to provide tools and services such as social networks, job boards, …

Social Media Speaks and the Government Listens

The idea of social media command centers is not a new one. The best known centers might be from Gatorade and Dell who each use theirs for brand monitoring. But businesses are not the only ones accessing large amounts of social media data. Carahsoft, a private government solutions company currently markets the InTTENSITY Social Media …