Remote Session

I sat there
phone to my ear
watching someone elses screen –
Software Loading.
Nobody spoke
We waited in awkward silence
not knowing if the other
was busy doing something else
or about to speak.
We stared at the screen,
The green bar slowly edging
closer to 100 percent.

Laser Communicator

Light, amplified and stimulated
A cable’s length is emulated.
Vocal cords emit a monologue
Its signal obviously analog.
But digitized it travels
And on the other side unravels.
A speaker re-assembles
A sound my voice resembles.

Poem - What You Get

What You Get

I opened the mailbox to more junk mail and advertisements than usual today. So I decided to cut it all up and turn it into somewhat of a poem. It’s so nice of the advertisers to give me not only inspiration but the words I need to express it too.

Poetry Revision

Poetry, like any written work, needs revision. I suppose there might have been a handful of times when inspiration for a short poem hits and what comes out the first time is good enough. But most times there’s a good bit of thinking, speaking and writing that goes on after the initial words are put …

The Meaning of Lines

The consequence of
a painting I
observed in a book
is this poem.

With simple strokes it
came to life and
in my mind
set its hook

Light and dark play
havoc with my
sense of depth and

Can meaning lie in
unplanned lines?
If none is found then
art is maddening