Objective Reasoning – The Basic Javascript Object

What is an Object? In Javascript an object is simply a container or store of properties that are related to what the object is modeling. These properties can be primitive data types, other objects or functions. Here’s an example of an empty object with no properties: const furBearingTrout = {}; I’ve used object literal notation …

5 Ways to Comment Your JSON

Comments aren’t part of the official JSON specification. According to an old (2012) Google Plus post by Douglas Crockford, he removed them to preserve interoperability.  But that same post suggests you can still use comments  so long as you remove them through minification before parsing. There are a few other ways to handle JSON comments …

Why Gulp is Great

The great thing about using Node streams in Gulp is that you don’t have to keep opening and closing files for each task like in Grunt. This lack of i/o overhead makes running a series of tasks very fast.

Why Grunt is Gone From My Build Team Lineup

I was always bothered by how long Grunt took to run through all my tasks and complete my build. It would take 10+ seconds to finish and I would have to sit there waiting to check my latest edits. It can be really hard to develop a piece of code when you are constantly halting your flow.

5 Things I Hate About the ArcGIS Javascript API

Building a mapping application with ESRI’s Javascript API is a lot of fun. But it can also be a real pain. Here are five things that absolutely drive me crazy when writing an ArcGIS Javascript map. 1. It is based on Dojo. It’s probably just my lack of Javascript programming sophistication but I find Dojo …