Through a Fence

I always see interesting things when I go on my morning walks. This time it was a vine growing through fence slats. The vine had produced this beautiful purple flower and the fence was a stark background for it. The scene offered brief enjoyment but I decided to stop and capture an image of it …

Photo Challenge Day 10 – Fairy Light Bottle

I thought I would take a crack at long exposure photography for day ten of my photo-a-day challenge. This bottle of Avocado oil takes on a magical look with wisps of light trails surrounding it. The light source for the entire image was a single mini light from the dollar store.

30 Days of Photos – Day 10

Day 10 – Fairy lights around bottle


Oh, Today’s a Holiday?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how holidays in the US have shifted so radically to be meaningless. What were once celebrations of people and events of meaning and consequence have turned into excuses to eat and drink to excess.  Today is Saint Patrick’s Day. Saint Patrick’s Day has historically been a celebration of …