Better Basemap Management for the ESRI Javascript API

If you use ESRI’s Javascript API to build web maps you have probably noticed that your ability to manage base map layers is somewhat limited. You really only have three out-of-the-box alternatives: Define an basemap in the map constructor Create and fill a Basemap Gallery Switch between two basemaps with Basemap Toggle But what if you …

5 Things I Hate About the ArcGIS Javascript API

Building a mapping application with ESRI’s Javascript API is a lot of fun. But it can also be a real pain. Here are five things that absolutely drive me crazy when writing an ArcGIS Javascript map. 1. It is based on Dojo. It’s probably just my lack of Javascript programming sophistication but I find Dojo …

Jump Start Your Geospatial Career with This Free E-book

It’s a great time to be a GIS professional. There are no shortages of jobs and the field keeps changing and expanding to include amazing technologies and applications. However, with increasing demand often comes increasing competition. Anyone who wants to enter the geospatial field or advance in it needs to pay attention to fast changing …