Coming and Going

There’s something mysterious about a good blurry photo. They give you a form and then ask you, the viewer, to interpret what it is or why it is. Blurs can be made in many different ways. This one was taken at an extremely long focal length (300mm) while the subject was moving. Then I desaturated …

Well That’s Just Dandy

It’s no secret that I love photographing dandelions. Their vibrant color, unique flower and ubiquity in lawns lend them a photogenic quality. Here is another macro shot of one that I enjoy looking at. I even had it printed as an 8×10.

Puffy 444

This is a photo from a couple of years ago that I’ve ressurected from the depths of my Flickr account. I used natural early morning light through a window to give this photo a really neat low-key effect.

Killdeer in Acrylic

I was looking over some old pictures this weekend when I came across a few of a Killdeer Plover I photographed a few times last year. I decided to do a pencil drawing of it and then thought I would color it in a bit with high-flow acrylic paints. The real Killdeer only had black …

A Little Street Photography

There’s a lot of construction in my neighborhood right now as house lots are getting built up. As I was walking one day, I saw this little skid loader posing for me in the middle of the street. Not wanting to offend it, I took this picture and promised to send a copy via email.

Poem - What You Get

What You Get

I opened the mailbox to more junk mail and advertisements than usual today. So I decided to cut it all up and turn it into somewhat of a poem. It’s so nice of the advertisers to give me not only inspiration but the words I need to express it too.