
Head Shot of Ryan DavisonI work as a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) administrator and JavaScript developer building complex geospatial web apps for desktop and mobile devices. I have additional backgrounds in business and political science. During my geospatial career, I have had the pleasure of working with customers from multiple major professions that consume or produce GIS data and services. I’ve applied GIS analysis and mapping technology for users in the military,  law enforcement, community planning, engineering, every major utility (water, wastewater, electrical…), environmental monitoring, and others.

Apart from work I spend my time with family, play music on the guitar and banjo, paint with watercolors, write poetry, write political commentary, study the Bible and read.

I’ve been an ardent photographer for many years. I now focus my efforts on creating fine art images using intentional camera movement and multiple exposure techniques. I’m drawn to the natural surroundings around me here in western Colorado. These surroundings make up the majority of my photographic subjects.

